What to do if you'd like to donate
First, thank you for wanting to help your neighbor! Millis Ecumenical Food Pantry runs on donations of food, money, and time; all donations are gratefully accepted.

Here are answers to some questions you might have:

1. Where is the Millis Food Pantry and where can I donate food? The Millis Ecumenical Food Pantry is located on the bottom floor of the Church of Christ at 142 Exchange Street in Millis. As you come in the door to the church closest to the parking lot, turn left and go down a half flight of stairs. You will see large barrels on the landing. Your food donations can be left in these barrels. Donation bins can be found in the lobby of Roche Brother's Grocery, 6 Milliston Road in Millis. Donations can also be dropped off in the bins at St. Thomas the Apostle Church, 111 Exchange Street in Millis.

2. When is the best time to donate to the Millis Ecumenical Food Pantry? Anytime! No, really, its true. Most people think of donating to the Food Pantry around holiday times, but the Food Pantry serves people all year round. Summers are often a good time to increase your donations -- many low-income families get a free meal for their children at school. No school = no free meal, and more donations are needed to meet the gap.

3. Can I donate money? Yes, please!
The Millis Food Pantry relies heavily on monetary donations to fulfill our mission. Checks should be made out to Millis Ecumenical Food Pantry. Donations can be mailed to:
Millis Ecumenical Food Pantry
142 Exchange Street
Millis, MA 02054

4. What items are most needed by the Food Pantry? Unexpired, shelf stable, non-perishable food --Canned food, boxed food and cereal are best. We are not able to refrigerate much and cannot keep perishable food. Basic items are great, as is a more upscale item that might be a treat for a family. Many families have children, so cases of kid-friendly items in individual packages are great! Bulk donations (cases such as you might purchase at BJ's or other warehouse) are very appreciated, as are single items.  Laundry detergent is especially helpful.

5. How can I get in the habit of donating? Donating to the Food Pantry is a great habit to establish and teach children!
Some strategies might be:
  • Buy two of everything you buy for your own family, and donate the extra.
  • Buy a case of something and donate it each week.
  • Set a donation box in your home and collect items. Bring in your donation when the box is full.
  • One family donates three items of their children's favorite foods every week
  • Join with other families in your neighborhood, church or club and take turns bringing the gathered donations
  • One mom reports that every member of her running group bring two canned items to their daily run. They carry their cans instead of weights, and donate the gathered cans at their church each week.