What to do if you'd like to volunteer to Help
First, thank you for wanting to help your neighbor! Millis Ecumenical Food Pantry needs volunteers to help stock shelves, receive donations, and to register and assist clients

Here are answers to some questions you might have:

1. Where is the Millis Food Pantry? The Millis Ecumenical Food Pantry is located on the bottom floor of the Church of Christ at 142 Exchange Street in Millis. As you come in the door to the church closest to the parking lot, turn left and go down a flight of stairs, through the white door and left through a storage area.

2. How do I volunteer as a worker? You can start by emailing the Pantry email  [email protected]  Our volunteer coordinator will contact you about opportunities.

3. What qualities are important in a volunteer? We look for people with genuine compassion and a desire to help their neighbor. Courtesy and a welcoming manner are important, as is discretion. Many people you may know are clients of the Food Pantry, and most people are sensitive about being gossiped about, particularly in this context. Maintaining the privacy of our clients is important, as well as treating them with good manners and acceptance.

4. What is the time commitment? We are flexible. The Millis Ecumenical Food Pantry is open to clients every Saturday from 10am to 12noon, as well as the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month from 10am to 12noon. All we ask is that we can depend on you for your scheduled times!